
How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO

How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO (Black Desert Online) is an MMORPG game that has been of great interest to a lot of people because of the diverse quests and activities included in the game. A good example of an interesting questline is Magnus Quest. This guide will cover everything you need to know, such as starting Magnus Quest in BDO, prerequisites, a step-by-step guide with helpful tips, and how to complete the quest line.

Overview of How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO

Magnus Quest in BDO is an accomplished level quest line that features worthy rewards. Magnus Quest is structured for proficient players who are willing to excel in the game and have access to really good items. Knowing how to start Magnus Quest in BDO is the first step you should take in this thrilling experience. 

Preconditions for How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO

In order to begin Magnus Quest, here are a few requirements that are needed:  

  • Level Gate: Character must at minimum be level 56 or higher. 
  • Accepted Quests: Check that you have completed the main storyline quests until a certain point.
  • Gear and supplies: Make sure that you have enough potions or supplies to aid you during the battles. Gear checks should also be done.

3. How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Step 1: Attain the Necessary Level

The most critical piece in detail on how to start Magnus Quest in Black Desert Online, aka BDO, could be that your character is at least 56. If this is not the case, you can work on it by doing a lot of quests, grinding on mobs, or simply waiting out for events. Magnus Quest can only be started when your character is 56 years or older, so it will greatly benefit you to level up prior to attempting this quest. 

Step 2: Complete the Prelude of Magnus Quest

You need to complete certain prelude quests before embarking on Magnus Quest. These quests are meant to introduce you to the storyline as well as prepare you for what is to come.

How to Complete the Prelude Quests:

  1. To view focus on your quest log,( press O.)
  2. Check for clever quests under the Magnus prelude segment.
  3. You will need to complete objectives that are marked out to you in the quest.

Step 3: Engage the Correct NPC

Complete all the preliminary quests, and now will know how to start Magnus Quest in BDO. You will need to get “Magnus’ quest” from the Magnus NPC. This NPC is located in a big city or relevant area in the game.

Finding the NPC:

  • Check your map (default key M).
  • Find the quest marker of the NPC.
  • Go to the said location and interact with the NPC.


Step 4: Start the Magnus Quest

After you have spoken to the NPC, you will have the option of accepting the Magnus quest. Ensure that you have enough inventory space before taking the quest, as well as being ready for it’s challenges. 

Accepting the Quest:

Talk to the NPC and choose the accept Magnus quest dialogue option.

Now follow the quest markers and complete the tasks as they come up.

4. Magnus Quest Overview in “BDO”

Make Sure to Get Your Gear Ready

The Magnus quest consists of difficult fights against fierce foes. Be sure to have upgraded gear before taking on the quest to ensure success.

Tips for Preparing for Gear:

  • Upgrade your weapons and armor.
  • Enhance your accessories.
  • Make sure to use buffs and consumables to empower your stats.

Reload Your Potion Stock

In order to survive the absolute onslaught of battles within the Magnus Quest, you shall require potions. Make sure you are stocked up with ample amounts of health and mana potions.

Potions Suggested:

  • Health Potions
  • Mana Potions
  • Elixirs and Buffs

Become a Member of a Guild or Party

Finishing the Magnus Quest becomes more manageable and fun when done with a guild or a party. Group with other players and accomplish the goals together.

Pros Of Joining A Party Or Guild:

  1. Gained insight and tactics.
  2. More assistance in fights.
  3. Quicker completion of quest tasks.

5. Magnus Quest Rewards BDO

There are plenty of different useful prizes that can be gained when finishing the Magnus Quest which include:

Special Items: Exceptional equipment and ornaments.

Experience: Great deal of XP credits.

Silver and Money: Currency on means deals for procurements and materials.

Medals and Titles: The proud awards and sages achievements.

6. Questions On How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO That’s Most Commonly Asked (FAQ)

Q: What is the level requirement to commence the Magnus Quest in BDO? 

A: In order to access the Magnus Quest, you must unlock level 56.

Q: Where do I find the NPC to start the Magnus Quest? 

A: You can find an NPC who usually appears in a large city or some other important site. Try checking your map for the quest marker

Q: Can I complete the Magnus Quest solo?

A: While it’s possible to finish the quest on your own, it is best if you are in a guild or party to give you much more options.

Q: What are the rewards for completing the Magnus Quest?

A: Some of the items earned are exclusive, experience points, achievement points, and silver. 

Q: How long does it take to complete the Magnus Quest?

A: The amount of time you need depends on your character level, gear, and if you are playing alone or in a group. Completion can take a range of several hours.

7. Conclusion: How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO Part 2

Magnus Quest in Black Desert Online is not the easiest adventure to complete, however, it is extremely rewarding. Players that are willing to put in the work will have their skills challenged and get valuable rewards out of it. As long as you go through this guide on starting the Magnus Quest in BDO, you will be ready to partake in the exciting quest. Regardless of your level of expertise, this quest is an excellent addition to your BDO experience. May your journey go well and the rewards be useful!


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